
North Dakota Alternative Teacher Certification Process and Programs

Alternative teacher preparation programs, or non-traditional programs, are designed for those with a bachelor’s degree outside of education and typically lead to a certificate or master’s degree. If you don’t already have a bachelor’s degree, visit our guide to traditional certification in North Dakota. Continue reading to learn more about this pathway to licensure.

Table of Contents

Requirements for Alternative Certification

Candidates for North Dakota alternative teacher certification must typically have a bachelor’s degree in the subject they wish to teach and complete a graduate-level teacher preparation program. Candidates must also have an employment offer from a public North Dakota school to apply for a license. Teacher preparation programs take two years to complete and may lead to a graduate certificate or master’s degree in teaching, education, or a teachable subject.

Types of Alternative Teaching Licenses in North Dakota

North Dakota offers two main paths to alternative teacher licensing in academic or career and technical subjects. These pathways are designed for those with bachelor’s degrees in a teachable subject who have not completed teacher preparation. For more information on these alternatives, contact the North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board (NDESPB).

Alternate Access License

The North Dakota Alternate Access License can be issued in any shortage area where a school cannot find a fully licensed teacher. Candidates for this route to North Dakota licensure must have a bachelor’s degree or at least 30 credits in the content area they wish to teach and an employment offer from a school district. The school district must request the Alternate Access License on the candidate’s behalf. Candidates must complete an acceptable alternative teacher preparation program through a North Dakota university within three years. A plan of study for completing this requirement must be submitted with the application for a license. Alternate Access License holders may teach full-time while fulfilling the program requirements. After graduating from the teacher preparation program and successfully teaching for at least one year candidates are eligible for initial teacher certification.

American Board Path to Licensure

North Dakota recognizes American Board Online Teacher Certification as a pathway to licensure. This accelerated program requires a bachelor’s degree and allows candidates to earn full licensure in as little as two years. Candidates must pass the American Board pedagogy and subject area exams to secure an American Board Classroom Ready Certificate and secure a job. They will then apply to the NDESPB for an Initial License. Within two years, they must complete the American Board’s Clinical Experience program and the North Dakota teacher support system approved mentor program, meet the youth mental health competency requirement, and meet the human resources and cultural directives requirements. Upon program completion, candidates will receive their American Board Institutional Recommendation, which qualifies them to apply for the North Dakota Five-Year License.

Testing Requirements for North Dakota Alternative Certification

To qualify for North Dakota teacher licensure candidates must pass the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators tests, which measure skills in reading, writing, and mathematics. Candidates must also pass the Praxis Subject Assessment for that grade level and subject area.

Transferring Teaching Licenses From Another State

Out-of-state candidates can qualify for a two-year Other State Educator License (OSEL) if they have an active license in another state, completed a state-approved teacher education program, and meet all of the North Dakota requirements for a certificate. Candidates who meet North Dakota’s education requirements but do not hold a license in another state may qualify for an Out-of-State Reciprocal license. For more information, see our teacher certification reciprocity resource or visit the NDESPB.

Schools With Alternative and Master’s Programs in North Dakota

To qualify for teacher certification, you must complete an approved teacher preparation program. Alternative route teacher licensing programs typically lead to a certificate or master’s degree. The not-for-profit, school-based alternative certification programs below have been approved by the NDESPB for the preparation of teachers.

North Dakota-Approved SchoolAccreditationProgram Type(s)Alt. Teacher Program Enrollment4Alt. Teacher Prep Prog. Completers4Alt. Licensing Exams Pass Rate4Net Price5
Dickinson State UniversityCAEPMaster’s$13,080
Mayville State University*CAEPAlternative, Master’s$13,891
North Dakota State UniversityCAEPMaster’s$16,638
University of MaryMaster’s$18,617
University of North Dakota*CAEPAlternative, Master’s$16,780
Valley City State UniversityCAEPMaster’s$12,108

  • — indicates none or not applicable.
  • N.Av. indicates data was not available or pass rates were omitted for confidentiality.
  • *Schools with an asterisk offer programs that can include paid classroom placements, subject to qualifications and experience. Students may be responsible for securing their own placement. Contact programs for further information.

Fastest Alternative Certification Programs

The following schools have the fastest programs to qualify for teacher certification in North Dakota based on the shortest possible time to completion. Shorter alternative certification programs are often more affordable since they require fewer credit hours. Check with programs to verify program costs and funding opportunities.

  1. Mayville State University (12 months)
  2. University of North Dakota (12 months)
  3. North Dakota State University (18 months)
  4. University of Mary (18 months)

Additional Resources

Related Articles

1. North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board: https://www.nd.gov/espb/
2. Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP): https://caepnet.org/provider-search
3. Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP): https://aaqep.org/accredited-programs
4. US Department of Education 2021 Title II Report: https://title2.ed.gov/Public/Home.aspx
5. National Center for Education Statistics College Navigator: https://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/