
Wisconsin Teacher Colleges and Degrees Online Guide

All Wisconsin teachers are required to complete a teacher preparation program from an accredited school in order to work within the state. There are several accredited schools in the state that offer teaching degrees. In order to help you find the right teaching school for your career goals, this page contains lists of top-rated teaching programs, a table of accredited, state-approved teacher preparation programs, and student reviews. Whether you are looking into starting a new career as a teacher or looking to expand your options as an experienced educator, this guide should be a good start.

Table of Contents

Quick Facts

For not-for-profit schools with teacher degree programs.

Comparison of Wisconsin Schools with Teacher Preparation Programs

We have designed the following table to help you compare teacher preparation programs in
Wisconsin according to various factors. All of the schools included are not-for-profit institutions approved by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (WDPI) for the preparation of teachers. Completing a state-approved teacher preparation program is an important step towards earning licensure.

While accreditation from the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) is not a requirement for licensure, it is included in the following table as CAEP provides a highly-regarded accreditation that is accepted in many states.

You will also find data on teacher preparation program enrollment, completion, and licensing exam pass rates by institution, for both traditional and alternative programs, for the 2019-2020 academic year in this table. These data points are collected from annual US Department of Education reports under Title II (Teacher Quality) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), which holds institutions and state departments of education accountable for increasing academic achievement through improvements in teacher quality. Traditional teacher preparation programs are usually completed as part of a bachelor’s degree program. Alternative certification programs are typically designed for career changers looking to enter the field and lead to a postgraduate certificate or a master’s degree. Many schools in our table offer both traditional and alternative programs. Take a look at our Wisconsin traditional and alternative certification guides for more information.

Finally, we have provided the net price per year for undergraduate tuition, based on the cost of attendance (tuition, books, room and board, and related expenses) for students who qualify for in-state tuition and fees, less the average financial aid award (including grants and scholarships).

State-Approved SchoolCAEP Accred.?5Trad. Teacher Program Enrollment6Trad. Teacher Prep Prog. Completers6Trad. Licensing Exams Pass Rate6Alt. Teacher Program Enrollment6Alt. Teacher Prep Prog. Completers6Alt. Licensing Exams Pass Rate6Net Price1
Alverno CollegeNo25410357%$18,243
Beloit CollegeNo3713N.Av.$18,294
Cardinal Stritch UniversityNo21875100%$17,555
Carroll UniversityNo1783989%$24,050
Carthage CollegeNo1906872%$26,643
College of Menominee NationNo176N.Av.$7,401
Concordia University-WisconsinNo3428799%$25,830
Edgewood CollegeNo3073978%$27,679
Lakeland UniversityNo248N.Av.$21,470
Lawrence UniversityNo452095%$24,804
Maranatha Baptist UniversityNo682069%$20,542
Marian UniversityNo1554669%$21,032
Marquette UniversityNo2635686%$33,566
Mount Mary UniversityNo357N.Av.$24,065
Northland CollegeNo208N.Av.$22,994
Ripon CollegeNo391775%$21,734
St. Norbert CollegeNo1726178%$27,107
University of Wisconsin-Eau ClaireNo56623596%$15,713
University of Wisconsin-Green BayNo3518997%$11,291
University of Wisconsin-La CrosseNo88823399%$12,904
University of Wisconsin-MadisonNo68726691%$13,484
University of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeNo67920697%$17,083
University of Wisconsin-OshkoshNo75516891%$12,975
University of Wisconsin-ParksideNo1382680%$10,531
University of Wisconsin-PlattevilleNo44712077%$14,840
University of Wisconsin-River FallsNo41216397%$14,318
University of Wisconsin-Stevens PointNo96517292%$14,122
University of Wisconsin-StoutNo6035977%$16,063
University of Wisconsin-SuperiorNo6166978%$12,120
University of Wisconsin-WhitewaterNo93327091%$12,754
Viterbo UniversityNo1962279%$20,512
Wisconsin Lutheran CollegeNo1373785%$21,761

  • — indicates none or not applicable.
  • N.Av. indicates data was not available or pass rates were omitted for confidentiality.

Top-Ranked Schools with Education Programs in Wisconsin

Princeton Review’s Great Schools for Education Majors 2022

  • Marquette University

US News & World Report’s Best Graduate Education Programs 2023

  • University of Wisconsin-Madison (#5 tie)
  • Marquette University (#89 tie)
  • University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (#88 tie)
  • University of Wisconsin-Stout (#121 tie)
  • Cardinal Stritch University (#207-274)

US News & World Report’s Best Online Graduate Education Programs 2022

  • University of Wisconsin-Madison (#147 tie)
  • University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (#188 tie)
  • University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (#199 tie)
  • Cardinal Stritch University (#242-321)
  • Concordia University Wisconsin (#242-321)
  • Maranatha Baptist University (#242-321)
  • University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (#242-321)

Select Wisconsin Schools with Teacher Preparation Degrees

Marquette University

Marquette University is a Jesuit Catholic university located in Milwaukee. Its College of Education includes programs for both undergraduate and graduate students. Undergraduate students combine their education major with a second major specializing in the topic they intend to teach. This double major leads to a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Elementary Education (1-8), Secondary Education (6-12), or Education Studies, qualifying graduates for state licensure. Graduate students who are already licensed teachers or those who are interested in administrative roles can apply for Master of Education (M.Ed.) programs in Educational Leadership, STEM Teaching, Student Affairs in Higher Education, and Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Education. Marquette also offers a Master of Arts (MA) in Educational Policy and Foundation as well as a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Educational Policy and Leadership (EDPL).

University of Wisconsin-Madison

The University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison) School of Education offers programs for students pursuing education careers at multiple levels. For undergraduates, UW-Madision grants Bachelor of Science Education (BSE) degrees in Communication Sciences and Disorders, Elementary Education, and Special Education. Bachelor of Science (BS) programs leading to teacher certification include Art Education, Dance, Educational Studies, Kinesiology, Physical Education, and Theatre and Drama. Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degrees are also offered in Art and Dance, which can prepare students for teacher certification in these areas. Graduate students may be interested in a Master of Science (MS) or Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program in Curriculum and Instruction; Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis; Educational Policy Studies; Educational Psychology; and Special Education. . A Master of Arts (MA) and Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Art is available for students who wish to become certified art teachers.

Schools with Associate Degrees in Education

While a bachelor’s degree is the minimum educational level required to qualify for state certification, an associate’s degree can be the first step towards a career in education. It can qualify graduates for careers in non-licensed roles in early childhood education, after-school care, and related areas. The credits earned from an accredited associate degree program can also typically be transferred towards a bachelor’s degree. The following Alabama schools offer associate’s degrees in education.1 Schools with an asterisk (*) also offer four-year teaching programs and/or alternative route to certification programs.

Alverno College*
3400 S 43rd St
Milwaukee, WI 53234
(414) 382-6000

Blackhawk Technical College
6004 S County Rd G
Janesville, WI 53546
(608) 758-6900

Chippewa Valley Technical College
2320 Alpine Rd
Eau Claire, WI 54703
(715) 833-6200

College of Menominee Nation*
2733 S Ridge Rd
Green Bay, WI 54304
(920) 965-0070

Concordia University-Wisconsin*
12800 N Lake Shore Dr
Mequon, WI 53097
(262) 243-5700

Fox Valley Technical College
1825 N Bluemound Dr
Appleton, WI 54912
(920) 735-5600

Gateway Technical College
3520 30th Ave
Kenosha, WI 53144
(800) 247-7122

Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe College
13466 W Trepania Rd
Hayward, WI 54843
(715) 634-4790

Lakeshore Technical College
1290 North Ave
Cleveland, WI 53015
(920) 693-1000

Madison Area Technical College
1701 Wright St
Madison, WI 53704
(608) 246-6100

Maranatha Baptist University*
745 Main St
Watertown, WI 53094
(920) 261-9300

Mid-State Technical College
2600 W 5th St
Marshfield, WI 54449
(715) 387-2538

Milwaukee Area Technical College
700 W State St
Milwaukee, WI 53233
(414) 297-6282

Moraine Park Technical College
235 N National Ave
Fond du Lac, WI 54935
(800) 472-4554

Nicolet College
5364 College Dr
Rhinelander, WI 54501
(715) 365-4493

Northcentral Technical College
1000 W Campus Dr
Wausau, WI 54401
(715) 675-3331

Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
2740 W Mason St
Green Bay, WI 54307
(920) 498-5444

Northwood Technical College
1900 College Dr
Rice Lake, WI 54868
(800) 243-9482

Southwest Wisconsin Technical College
1800 Bronson Blvd
Fennimore, WI 53809
(608) 822-3262

Waukesha County Technical College
800 Main St
Pewaukee, WI 53072
(262) 691-5566

Western Technical College
400 7th St N
La Crosse, WI 54601
(608) 785-9200

Student Reviews

Note: Student Reviews are based on the experiences of a few individuals and it is unlikely that you will have similar results. Please review the “Data, Student Reviews and Other Information” section in our Terms of Use and Disclaimers.

Beloit College
700 College St
Beloit, WI 53511
(608) 363-2000

Student Review: “Beloit’s teacher preparation program was satisfactory but disorganized. The reason why I chose to go to Beloit over other colleges is that the teacher program had a lot of field experience components. They did put an emphasis on gaining experience over learning about theory, which I appreciated. In terms of the field experience, there was insufficient support for students who were expected to complete field hours. Beloit barely has any public transportation, and many of the students do not have cars. It’s not a commuter campus. Yet, there was almost zero transportation help with that aspect. Professors nominally helped arrange carpools. Additionally, some of the internships were very poorly organized. Outside of structured teaching at a public school, it often happened that both the college and the participating institution expected the other group to have an idea of what they wanted to accomplish. Because the school is so small, you can have relationships with the professors as well as small class sizes. This also means that at times, the elementary and secondary education students were all together in one class and often, half the assignments and lessons felt less-than-relevant. Also, the class offerings were uneven. For example, I missed an opportunity to take a class about immigrant education because I was at an off-campus internship. To fill the requirement, I was forced to take a class about education in East Asia, which has never been relevant to me and probably never will. There was a lot of miscommunication about the graduation requirements, but this was due to the fact that when I was there, they were in the middle of a transition from a final portfolio to the edTPA. That meant that during freshman year, we were told to prepare a portfolio. Then, during junior year, we were told about the edTPA and given a very long lesson plan format to follow for practice. Finally, that lesson plan format turned out to be completely irrelevant. I hope that this has since been smoothed over. Because Beloit is so small, having a good experience really depends on having good relationships with your advisors, your professors, and your peers–as well as taking the good with the bad. Your individual professional goals are taken seriously and you can do what you plan to do there. You do have to be your own advocate, however, because there are very few professors and poor communication.” -Student at Beloit College

Saint Norbert College
100 Grant St
De Pere, WI 54115
(920) 337-3181

Student Review: “I found the education program at my school to be extremely beneficial. The program allowed us to get out into the classrooms during our sophomore year which was very helpful in assuring me that this was the field that I wanted to get into. Also, the program had fantastic technology that also enabled us to learn in creative different ways. For example, we had a program during our freshman year that gave us a simulated classroom. The class sizes were small and our professors always encouraged us to ask questions as needed. Due to this, my cohort became very close and it really felt like a family. After all of my student teaching, I felt very comfortable and confident in my skills as a teacher. I do not perceive finding a job to be difficult after this experience. I highly encourage others to take part in this program!” -Shea M., student at Saint Norbert Collegestars-5

University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI 53706
(608) 262-1234

Student Review: “Attending UW Madison was an enlightening experience for me. It’s a big school, and I think that I wasn’t alone in feeling a little anonymous there for a few months. However, there are so many excellent opportunities and intelligent people that you can find your niche there, no matter what you’re into. You just have to take initiative and look for it. The same goes for the quality of the education you receive there – it all depends on what you make of your opportunities. If you want to goof off, you can slide by with minimal effort (depending on your major). But you can also take thousands of advanced classes taught by world-class faculty (many grad classes are open to undergrads), participate in highly active student orgs, conduct research alongside famous scientists and study abroad almost anywhere in the world. The city is also a gem: full of museums, restaurants, bars, music and political activism that is uncommon among other cities its size. The people are friendly, don’t take themselves too seriously, and love a good beer on the lakefront.” -Andrea S., student at University of Wisconsin-Madison

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Milwaukee, WI 53201
(414) 229-1122

Student Review: “My experiences at UWM have been very good. I started my journey there 13 years ago to begin my quest to be a teacher. I was given the tools I needed to get my first teaching job before I had even graduated. The school was very pleased with the types of classes that I had been taking and were very excited about me joining their team. The professors at UWM were very strict when it came to meeting deadlines on required work and projects but were always willing to offer extra assistance whenever I needed it. They made my time in the program very worthwhile. My advisors also played a vital role, informing me of what classes I needed and the expectations for each. They also provided me with the necessary motivation to keep my goals in sight. I don’t feel like any of my classes were useless because I still continue to implement some of the techniques that I learned. I am glad to be able to attend this university and I would recommend it to anyone planning to become a teacher.” -Javon A., student at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Student Review: “The teacher education program at UW-Milwaukee was an exceptional experience that prepared me well for the demands of being an elementary/middle school teacher. The most influential aspect of this program is the actual field experience set up by the University. The actual program occurs over 4 semesters, and in addition to your final semester which consists of student teaching, you also get placed at a different school each of the previous 3 semesters to observe and practice lessons. The university staff is also superb in guiding prospective teachers through the program. They take a social justice approach with an urban education emphasis; all of which prepares you well for interviewing and working in inner-city schools. Lastly, the additional instructors hired to teach content classes (i.e. math, reading, science, social studies) are actual current teachers from local districts who bring a refreshing and up to date perspective on curriculum and instruction in their subject areas.” -Jonathan M., student at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
2100 Main St
Stevens Point, WI 54481
(715) 346-0123

Student Review: “The University of Wisconsin Stevens Point is an excellent school for just about any person. The school has a big college feel in a fairly small town. The scenery is absolutely beautiful and the campus does a great job of letting Wisconsin’s natural beauty engulf the area. UWSP campus is connected to a Wildlife Reserve that takes up two-thirds of the campus. This reserve not only has 26 miles of scenic walking but also employees many students every year. The buildings have a modern feel to them as most of them are newly built. Possibly the only downside to this school is that class sizes can often be large. They aren’t huge, but they usually have around eighty students which is larger than some schools. The professors have a true passion for their work and try very hard to teach their students to the best of their abilities.” -Dustin G., student at University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

Wisconsin Lutheran College
8800 W Bluemound Rd
Milwaukee, WI 53226
(414) 443-8800

Student Review: “Wisconsin Lutheran College in Milwaukee, WI had a terrific teaching program. Although the school is very small with only 1,000 students, the small class sizes and one-on-one time with advisors and professors really created a great atmosphere. From freshmen year, the teaching program requires you to have clinical hours teaching at area public schools. By the time you graduate, you feel fully prepared to go into a classroom and teach since you had clinical experiences every semester of your schooling. The college’s program also specializes in urban education—preparing teachers to teach in Milwaukee’s struggling schools. I was able to travel to Harlem, the Bronx, Brooklyn, and Chicago to observe high-performing schools and take from their programs. As a senior, I received an internship that allowed me to get paid during my student teaching. The only aspect of the program that was difficult was the large homework load. The amount of papers, lesson plans, and projects was very demanding causing many sleepless nights.” -Elizabeth B., student at Wisconsin Lutheran College

1. National Center for Education Statistics College Navigator: https://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/
2. The Princeton Review. The Best 385 Colleges, 2022 Edition. The Princeton Review, 2021.
3. US News & World Report Best Graduate Education Schools 2023: https://www.usnews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-education-schools/edu-rankings
4. US News & World Report Best Online Graduate Education Schools 2022: https://www.usnews.com/education/online-education/education/rankings
5. Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP): http://caepnet.org/provider-search
6. US Department of Education 2021 Title II Report: https://title2.ed.gov/Public/Home.aspx